Monday, September 30, 2019

The Cardiovascular System

Intrinsic Conduction System1. The intrinsic conduction system consists of __autorhythmic cardiac______ cells that initiate and distribute __impulses___ throughout the heart. 2. The intrinsic conduction system coordinates heart activity by determining the direction and speed of _heart depolarization___. This leads to a coordinated heart contraction. 3. List the functions for the following parts of the intrinsic conduction system: a. SA Node __initiates the depolarizing impulse and sets the pace for the entire beat___ b. Internodal Pathway __link between the SA node and the AV node__ c. AV Node __delay occurs allowing atria to contract___ d. AV Bundle (Bundle of His) _link between atria and ventricles__ e. Bundle Branches __convey impulses down the interventricular septum___ f. Purkinje Fibers ___convey the depolarization throughout the ventricular walls_____4. The action potentials spread from the autorhythmic cells of the intrinsic conduction system (electrical event) to the _contractile__ cells. The resulting mechanical events cause a heartbeat.5. A tracing of the electrical activity of the heart is called a/an __electrocardiogram__.6. What do the following wave forms reflect? . P wave ___atrial depolarization___ b. QRS complex ___ventricular depolarization____ c. T wave __ventricular repolarization___7. In a normal ECG wave t racing, atrial repolarization is hidden by __QRS Complez__.8. Note: Electrical events lead to mechanical events. For example, the P wave represents __atrial_ depolarization, which leads to atrial _contraction___.9. A left bundle branch block would have a wider than normal wave for the __QRS complex_. (Quiz section) 10. An abnormally fast heart rate (over 100 beats per minute) is called: __tachycardia___. (Quiz section)

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Describe the Different Forms of Disguise and Deception That Feature in Twelfth Night Essay

Shakespeare’s play ‘Twelfth Night’ is a comedy centred on a main theme of disguise and deception. The elements of both bring confusion to the characters creating comical situations throughout the play, also adding a lot of dramatic irony to entertain the audiences through the ages. There are many different types of disguise and deception in the play, most are used for the comical effect, but one deception in particular gives the play a darker edge because of the malicious intent to hurt the character. Viola’s disguise as the young man ‘Cesario’ is the stimulus that triggers the love triangle which is the foundation of the whole play. Antonio assists Viola to disguise herself as a man, ‘conceal me what I am, and be my aid’, to enable her to work as a messenger for Orsino. She also tells Antonio to ‘shape thou silence to my wit’ so that no one in Illyria will know that she is actually a girl. Orsino sends her to ‘Unfold the passion of my love’ to Olivia. However Viola has fallen in love with Orsino: ‘Whoe’er I woo, myself would be his wife’. The disguise then causes even more confusion when the love triangle is completed and Olivia, believing Viola is a man, falls in love with Viola/Cesario: ‘methinks I feel this youth’s perfections’. All of this confusion with the disguise and the love triangle enthrals the audience because of the depth of dramatic irony created. Shakespeare has let only the audience know that Cesario is Viola, and he tells them about Olivia’s love for Cesario, before Viola herself knows. All of the confusion from the disguise would have been even funnier when acted out on stage, because all the actors in Elizabethan times were men. Therefore the boy playing Viola would have been dressed up as a girl, and then disguised as a man, and then the man dressed as Olivia would be in love with what the character thinks is a man, which is actually a girl who is played by a boy. Shakespeare used the disguise to create humour for the audience in this way. In Act 3, after Viola has found out that Olivia is in love with her, Viola tries to hint at Olivia by saying ‘I am not what I am’. Viola is telling the truth, but it is a very vague phrase so it does not give away her identity to Olivia. This simple sentence could show that Viola is not using the disguise for malicious reasons and she does not like deceiving people, so by saying this line she is perhaps trying to alleviate some guilt from the deception that unintentionally made Olivia fall in love with her. Viola’s quote is a direct opposite of a quote in the bible, ‘I am what I am’, back then, nearly everyone would have been familiar with the saying, as most attended church and sermons quote the bible, so her quote shows that what Viola is doing is breaking an important moral code and her deception would have been seen as more of a wrong doing back then than it is today, causing Viola to feel the guilt and shame that she does. Malvolio’s deception is a subplot of the play which creates a lot of the comedy, but also has overtones of malice that brings darkness to the play. Malvolio is a servant to Olivia, who gets on the nerves of Maria and other servants because of his pompous behaviour. They decide to plot against him because of his arrogance and frequent nasty comments to them: ‘have you no wit, manners, nor honesty but to gabble like tinkers at this time of night? ’ Maria forges a love letter from Olivia in her handwriting, ‘I can write very like my lady’, and it tells Malvolio that to show his love for Olivia he has to smile, talk like he is of higher class and wear yellow cross-gartered stockings, this ridiculous outfit and behaviour would have entertained the audience very much. So to the audience, this deception starts as a humorous bit of fun for the characters to poke fun at Malvolio, but as the play goes on it turns into purposeful malicious intent to degrade and humiliate him. Maria starts as the originator of the prank, but when Feste becomes involved the pranks become cruel and callous. He takes it a lot further by locking Malvolio up and taunting him: ‘it hath bay windows transparent as barricadoes’ and he carries on even when Sir Toby wants the prank to end ‘I wish we were well rid of this knavery’. Shakespeare leaves Malvolio in a very poor state at the end of the play. Malvolio ends up being damaged emotionally by the pranks and the audience ends up feeling sorry for him, despite him being a very unsympathetic character. The reason Feste enjoys the deception of Malvolio so much could be because he is actually a very intelligent character, but has turned bitter after people are unintentionally deceived into thinking he must be stupid or have no feelings because he is just another clown: ‘I saw him put down the other day with an ordinary fool that has no more brain than a stone’. The previous quote is the kind of thing that could anger Feste because people do not notice his intelligence; it was also said by Malvolio which could be why the full force of Feste’s bitterness was aimed directly at him. Shakespeare made Feste pick up on dramatic ironies: ‘nor your name is not master Cesario’ to show Feste’s intelligence to the audience, but the characters never noticed Feste’s intelligence because of the unintentional deception he caused by being a clown, so this is why his jokes are perceptive but bitter. Within the play a lot of plot devices regarding the disguises are helped by the characters self-deception. The deception of Malvolio wouldn’t have worked if he had not deceived himself into thinking that Olivia liked him. Malvolio was a haughty character who had very high opinions of what Olivia thought of him: ‘should she fancy, it should be one of my complexion’. He would not have fallen for the prank if he had not deceived himself in this way, therefore in a way he deceived himself into the prank because he was conceited enough to think that Olivia liked him, thus abetting his own ruin. Orsino’s love for Olivia could be seen as self-deception. Orsino believes that he is in love with Olivia, and is feeling all the sorrows and joy of love: ‘that it alone is high fantastical’, but he seems to have deceived himself that he is in love with Olivia, when actually it perhaps is more of an infatuation and he is now in love with the idea of love. Orsino is a wealthy Duke who would be very used to getting what he wanted whenever he asked for it, so seeing Olivia and wanting her ‘Methought she purged the air of pestilence’, and then not being able to have her could have given him the feeling of longing that he has never really had before. He could have then misinterpreted the new feeling as love and now his whole mind is preoccupied with the longing that he thinks is love. Olivia’s mourning for her brother could also be perceived as self-deception. Olivia declared that she would mourn her brother’s death for a long time, believing that she would never really be able to overcome her grief. However when she falls in love with Cesario she perhaps realises she can still be happy. She didn’t know she could be happy when she declared her years ourning and she had been deceiving herself that she was completely grief-stricken about his death, when actually she may have just been feeling lonely. This could also be why Olivia fell for Viola’s disguise quite easily, she was vulnerable and sad and may have just like the idea of a man, so not paid that close attention to who Cesario actually was. In the denouement of the play, Viola’s twin Sebastian arrives in Illyria thinking that Viola is dead: ‘She is drowned already, sir, with salt water’. Sebastian looks a lot like Viola, so because Viola is dressed as a man a lot of people mistake Sebastian for Cesario and it causes many confusing situations. The main confusion that happens is that Olivia mistakes Sebastian for Cesario, and Sebastian deceives her by not telling her who he actually is and goes along with the whole charade. Olivia thinks that Cesario has finally succumbed to her and they agree to get married: ‘plight me the full assurance of your faith’. Olivia not noticing that it was actually Sebastian shows that she may have not actually been in love with Cesario but because she was vulnerable at the time she clung to the idea of having somebody without actually really knowing the person. Sebastian’s deception was merely dishonest. He took advantage of the situation, but he never really knew what was going on because he was in a strange land and it all happened very quickly so Olivia forgave him. All the disguise and deception is very cleverly plotted through the play to structure the whole story line. The disguises are finally revealed at the end, solving all the confusion and allowing the various couples to join and give the play finality. The disguise and deception gives the play the confusion and dramatic irony to make the play a comedy. The theme entwines in every plotline and all the way through the play ‘nothing that is so is so’.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The Other Side of Truth Summary

The story begins in Nigeria, with the death of Femi and Sade’s mother. She was killed byagents of the corrupt government, the â€Å"Brass Buttons†, to force Folarin Solaja, thechildren’s father, to stop writing for Speak , an uncensored newspaper. The children thenhave to flee the country, where they are not safe. Their Uncle Tunde arranges for themto be smuggled to London, where their Uncle Dele lives, with Mrs Bankole. Their fathershould then join them there.However, instead of finding the hoped-for safety, they areabandoned by Mrs Bankole in the middle of London, a strange city they know nothingabout. When they are found by the police, they are put into the care of Mrs Graham. Theymeet Jenny, Mama Appiah and Mr. Nathan, who try their best to help them by gettingthe children temporarily admitted in England, and by finding a new foster family forthem: Gracie and Roy King. Sade had to lie to officials about their name so as to no gether father into trouble, and t he kindness displayed by the adults makes her feel guiltyabout her lies.She is also sad about Femi’s sulliness, and feels very homesick. Matters don’t improve on her first day in her new school; she feels lost in the Englisheducation system, much less harsh and demanding with students than in Nigeria. Eventhough she finds friendship and understandingwithMariam, a fellow refugee, and MrMorris, the English teacher, she starts getting bullied by Marcia, and her gang. She isforced to steal a lighter for them, for example, in Mariam’s uncle’s store, somethingthat she feels very guilty about.She starts dreading going to school, as she doesn’tknow how to deal with bullies. One day, Mama Appiah arrives at the house with good news: she has found the children’sfather, who managed to get into England thanks to a false passport. However, he was puttaken to a Detention Centre because he didn’t ask for political asylum, because he was soworried abo ut his children. The Nigerian Police then announce that he is wanted for themurder of his wife. Desperate, Sade and Femi decide to try and meet a television reporter.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Energy needs in Australia Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Energy needs in Australia - Research Paper Example At the same time, there is the issue of the global climate change and its effects on the environment. These factors are likely to affect the economic activity, as well as reduce the available revenue. Also, Australia’s population is expected to be about 35.9 million people by the year 2050. This directly translates to higher energy needs. Therefore, a comprehensive research is necessary in order to determine the energy needs that Australia has and how they can be sustained in the future. B. Significance of the Study Australia is a modern technological society. This means that the country makes a considerable use of energy in order to make the lives of its citizens better and more enjoyable. With a growing population, the use of energy will also increase. The growing populations also have to live better and enjoyable lives. Most people have been dependent on oil and other fossil fuels. However, these are energy resources that will be depleted at some point or the other. Therefo re, addressing the energy needs in Australia helps in developing ways, solutions, and policies that will enable Australia to meet its future energy needs. This study is significant in providing a clear picture of the energy situation in Australia, as well as the expected energy consumption in the near future. These details are important in developing both short term and long term measures to meet the energy needs in Australia. C. Research Hypotheses Australia’s energy consumption will increase significantly in the next 10 to 20 years. Also, this increase in energy consumption will be confronted by a pressing need to decrease greenhouse emissions and reduce climate change. Australia’s energy needs will also have to move away from the polluting and diminishing... Several studies have been conducted regarding the situation of energy in various parts of the world. These studies are aimed at adopting measures that are likely to ensure energy security, as well as sustainable development. In addressing future energy needs, it is difficult to separate energy and sustainable development. This is because countries are working towards reducing carbon emissions. This means shifting focus from the burning of hydrocarbons in fossil fuels to the much cleaner renewable and more efficient sustainable sources of energy. This section seeks to perform a review of literature on previous research.In his book Our Energy Future, Justin Healey samples some facts regarding energy in Australia and the world over. According to Healey, Australia’s total energy consumption has more than doubled over the past thirty years. He also notes that the consumption of energy per person has risen by about 40 percent. Australia ushered in the 21st century as one of the worl d’s leading economies. The country has recorded high labor and general productivity, sustained economic growth, and a strong environmental record. These aspects have ensured the continued prosperity for the country. The energy sector has been a key player in this success. It is through the development of the vast energy resources that Australia boasts of, that citizens have access too low-cost energy. It has also attracted a considerable export income. An effective response to global and domestic environmental issues.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

History of HRM Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

History of HRM - Assignment Example Cropping up of trade unions came at this exact time. The welfare of workers was addressed in these trade unions. This prompted the performing functions of human resource. This paper will review some of the factors that enable managers to control, and coordinate their workers. At some point in time, the only jobs that were available were low-paying. One example includes sweeping. It was common to see people doing odd jobs to survive. However, as time went by, the introduction and advancement of education enabled the rise of many people in the working industry. This advancement led to the creation of job opportunities that created a broader working fraternity. The workforce shifts have ensured this evolution grows. Creation of high-paying jobs continues with the social scene changing almost every day (Joy-Matthews & Megginson, 2004). Technology became a part of these workforce shifts. As seen recently, everyone relies on technology to perform the basic functions in an organization. To continue working in these organizations, one must be technology savvy. It is next to impossible to find an organization that does not have a human resource management team (Joy-Matthews & Megginson, 2004). After the introduction, development, and evolution of the workers’ welfare associations, employed individuals know of their rights in the working environment. The workforce shifts enable human resource managers to be more informed about their working environments. The implications created due to these shifts enable them to perform better. This is because they are accountable for the working individuals that enable the organization to grow. They have to be educated on the roles they play towards employers and their employees (Joy-Matthews & Megginson, 2004). This improves the relations that exist between members of the organization. The outside environment also changes with a change in worker treatment. It changes for the better since

Introduction to Macroeconomics Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Introduction to Macroeconomics - Case Study Example Moreover, there are always huge numbers of people that are self-employed and every one cannot increase their incomes in proportion to the inflation rate so a huge chunk of citizens suffer in this process. In a way, high inflation impacts living standard of the majority of the people. Impact on Interest Rates Bank interest rates get impacted due to high rate of inflation because banks need to enhance their deposit rates to attract the deposits from the public; moreover, this will also cause lending rates to go up. This puts producers and traders at inconvenience as their production planning process goes in turmoil impacting production, sales/marketing and other related functions. During high inflation regime, investors tend to disinvest from fixed income securities such as bonds, debentures causing a great upheaval in the market. People tend to spend this money on their other needs fueling further inflationary pressure in the market. Impact on Saving High inflation rate discourages sa ving thus reducing capital formation necessary for economic growth; on the contrary, high inflationary environment forces people to spend as fast as possible before money loses its value. With increased levels of spending, market gets heated up giving a further upward push to the prices. Overall, market gets hooked up in an inflation trap creating a difficult situation for all. Affects Global competitiveness High-inflation at the domestic front, relative to the trading partner, makes imports lucrative and exports less competitive. This disturbs the trade balances significantly and as a natural consequence, industries involved in exports or competing with imports tend to lose market leading to unemployment in those sectors. Eventually, this can cause its impact on nation's GDP and unemployment rate. No democratically elected government would like to live with this situation for a long time and will resort to the measures necessary to cap the inflation at reasonable levels. Labor Unre st High inflation rate could also be a cause for labor unrest. Union activities increase during high inflation environment because often wages and salaries fail to keep pace with inflation. This disrupts the smooth functioning of the manufacturing units harming productivity and economic growth of the country. Uncertainty The companies from within and outside do not want to invest when instability and uncertainty due to inflation prevails in the country. It has a negative impact on economic growth of the nation. Thus, it becomes quite clear that it is extremely important to control inflation in the larger interest of the economy, people and the country. B) Since the financial/economic crisis, which first manifested itself in 2006/7, the UK rate of inflation has deviated from its bank of England chosen target. Identify these deviations and discuss their possible causes. Answer Source: Bank of E ngland’s targeted inflation rate right from 2007 until date as measured by consumer price index (CPI) has been 2.0 percent. Inflation in terms of CPI, most of the time, has remained above 2.0 percent except for the second half in 2009 when it fell down below the targeted level. But since then it has consistently deviated above

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Drawing on a range of scholarly articles, critically examine the Essay

Drawing on a range of scholarly articles, critically examine the relation between leadership and organizational citizenship b - Essay Example This behaviour is not part of the expected conduct that an individual is expected to portray prior to employment; thus, it is difficult to detect, as they are a result of the personal choice of the individual in question. This implies that organizational citizenship behavior is controlled and determined by an individual who exhibits it out of at his or her own decision and choice. The other important point about organizational citizenship behavior is that it is an effort from the employees to benefit the organization without expecting any form of reward (Shweta and Jha 2009, p.33). In spite of the definitions and explanations that label organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), there have been challenges attempting to prove that OCB is not a discretionary form of behavior, but rather can be influenced by other factors both within the organization and outside it. While evaluating the relationship between the OCB and leadership in an organization, it is crucial to avoid confounding by looking at all the other factors, other than leadership, that influence OCB and their impact on it as well. Firstly, organizational leadership shares a close relationship with OCB based on a number of leadership styles used in an organization, as well as efficiency of leadership in an organization (Lian and Tui 2012, p.60). In addition, there exist a relationship between leadership and OCB, which is based on the relationships found between leaders in an organization and their exchanges with their managers and subordinates in the organization. With this in mind, the Leader-Member exchange determines the relationship between employees, their superiors, and their employers. This is to mean that leadership styles that involve role modelling and communicating high levels of performance, as well as envisioning and invigorating employees intellectually affect organizational citizenship behaviour among the employees (Lian and Tui 2012, p.36). In such a case, the leadership style affect the ways in which employees interact with management to create an improved or poor performance willpower amongst the employees. As a result, employees OCB is affected negatively to an almost bare minimum, such that employees exercise their discretionary to flunk the organization. Therefore, the relationship between OCB and organizational leadership can be described as dependent on the state of leadership or style of leadership to influence how employees’ covert behaviour. In addition, transformational leadership behaviour is one that is known to influence this behaviour in employees as it involves direct contact between employees and management. It is through communication and motivation found in the transformational leadership style that contributes to improved OCB. This is because of the conduct of the leaders towards the employees, where they express satisfaction and appreciation for good performance. In addition, employers and leaders who have shared resources with the emplo yees, bring out the relationship between OCB and leadership. This is due to the level of personal support that employees share with the leaders, as well as time and information, which draw employees to engage in OCB readily. Studies indicate that leaders with defined job roles or

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Psychology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 6

Psychology - Essay Example There is an innate urge to acquire satisfaction at the physical and physiological levels. The physical needs of humans are to acquire adequate shelter, food, clothes, education, health, and prosperity. The psychological needs seek to acquire independence and autonomy through the development of various competencies and skills (Bridges, 2004). The humanistic approach argues that individuals strive to use their experiences and circumstances to develop particular beliefs and values. Self development occurs when the individual is able to have confidence in personal feelings and qualities. It is the natural desire of human beings to achieve contentment and realization so that objectives can be met. The formative years help children to develop behaviors and actions that are taken from parents, siblings, friends, and teachers (Bohart, 2001). The child desires to have recognition and appeal so that an inner satisfaction can be generated. Rogers argued that the gaps between the ideal and real conditions create psychological problems. These problems can hinder the mental and physical development of individuals. It creates obstacles that prevent the individual from achieving contentment and satisfaction in life. Implicit memory is a term used to describe the subconscious motivation that helps in the accomplishment of goals and objectives. The subconscious process is guided through individual experiences in a systematic and logical manner. Implicit memory seeks to understand the intrinsic and innate processes that help human beings to perform tasks in an efficient and effective manner (Roediger, 2003). It can be empirically analyzed and assessed by using a psychological technique called priming. This technique introduces test subjects to specific incentives and motivators. The stimulus can either be visual, auditory, or imaginary but it produces the desired result. An individual will be able to perform a task using subconscious processes. This strategy helps individuals in developing a number of skills and competencies. A number of tasks can utilize implicit memory that is beneficial for human beings. The process of reverse reading or completing jigsaw puzzles is examples of implicit memory (Chun, 2000). The individual uses subconscious experiences in order to accomplish such tasks. Other tasks could include processes that require the intricate analysis and assessment of new problems. Explicit memory requires the use of conscious in order to complete certain tasks. It requires high levels of awareness and perception in order to achieve the desired results. However implicit memory utilizes subconscious memories and processes to complete tasks. Reber argued that implicit memory can help individuals to gain satisfaction and contentment with the surrounding environment. It can play a crucial role in the acquisition of complex skills and competencies (Chun & Phelps, 2000). Change Blindness Change blindness refers to situations in which individuals cannot identify modifications and alterations in the visual environment. Barriers and obstacles retard the ability of the human eye to accurately monitor changes in the environment. Visual short term memory (VSTM) can induce change blindness in a number of ways. The human being might make a visual error by failing to accurately record the changes in the en

Monday, September 23, 2019

Continuum of care for maternal,newborn,and child health in Australia Essay - 1

Continuum of care for maternal,newborn,and child health in Australia - Essay Example The failure of the maternal health usually leads to the death of the infants (World Health Organization, 2013, p. 67). The death of the mother denies the infant the maternal care, which is essential in the growth and development of the child. Additionally, the mothers who fall sick during pregnancy are at risk of infecting their children. Therefore, the pregnant mothers ought to be offered antenatal healthcare services for the welfare of both the mother and the child. Australian maternal care involves skilled birth professionals. Guenther and Vittori (2008, p. 79) claim that the engagement of skilled personnel in midwifery prevents newborn and mother deaths during delivery. The offered health care services also enhance access to nutritious food for the children, which helps the children gain natural immunity against a wide array of diseases (Palmer and Short, 2010, p. 36). The Australian medical authority also has programs, which enlighten mothers on better and hygienic practices of caring for children. According to Lewis (2009, p.83), the maternal healthcare services enable the children to receive early preventive healthcare against diseases like malaria, tetanus, polio and pneumonia. Ideal healthcare services also guarantee exclusive breastfeeding, which affords the children with antibodies (Hally, 2008, p. 57). The antibodies are instrumental in the natural protection of the children from many infections. The healthcare for the mothers and children in Australia incorporates oral rehydration. The rehydration is fundamental in preventing diarrhea

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Law and Real Estate Essay Example for Free

Law and Real Estate Essay Executive Summary Pacific Grove Spice started as a small specialty grocer on the Monterey Peninsula of California in the early 1980s. Within 10 years they were the â€Å"place† to find spices in Central California and now have a widespread reach covering all 50 states. The spice industry that it is in has been growing steadily because of how important a role spices are getting in the kitchens and in cooking. The growing concern about obesity and diet has also left a positive impact because of the health conscious people that desire healthier meals that are still favorable. The demand for spices is at an all-time high and although multinational firms like McCormick Company dominate the industry, many small firms are competing successfully, Pacific Grove spice being one of them. The problem that Debra Peterson and Fletcher Hodges are having is that they have three choices to make. They have to decide whether they should accept an offer from a cable-cooking network to produce and sponsor a new program, raise new equity by selling shares of common stock, and/or acquire High Country Seasonings-a privately owned spice company. While making their decision they have to keep in mind that the bank financing their company wants them to reduce interest-bearing debt to less than 55% of total assets and the equity multiplier to less than 2.7 times by June 2012. We recommend that Introduction Debra Peterson is currently the Chief Executive Officer of the Pacific Grove Spice Company. The Chief Financial Officer, Fletcher Hodges, and she are trying to figure out what strategy to take to meet the demands of the bank that finances their company. The recent financial crisis had made the credit committee uneasy and they now want Pacific Grove Spice to reduce interest-bearing debt to less than 55% of total assets and the equity multiplier to less than 2.7 times by June 2012. They have three options they are currently considering and this case study illustrates the financial forecasts for the next few years and showcases what we feel is the best decision for them regarding their options and the banks demands. Analysis Pacific Grove Spice’s operations are not profitable enough to quickly bring  it into compliance with the bank’s requirements. It’ll take about four years with just the regular operations.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Supporting Individuals in Childcare Education

Supporting Individuals in Childcare Education Exceptionalities are neither positive nor negative; rather, they are differences (Darragh, 2010, p. 114). In your own words, explain the term exceptionalities. Then, using one exceptionality outlined in the text on pages 116-127 of the course text, identify developmental challenges the exceptionality may present for the child, and appropriate adaptations, accommodations, or modifications that may need to be considered in order to support the individual childs development and learning. The term exceptionalities have a defining characteristic that is different from the norm for physical and mental abilities. It describes children or people that go beyond what is normal or what society expects. The child can have extra unusual abilities. It can also include children that have disabilities that prevent the child from functioning well in certain areas of development. The same goes for a child with different emotional or health development. It is a difference in development of these different disabilities such as syndromes, impairments, and certain disorders. (Darragh, 2010). In that respect are different classes such as intellectual disability, hearing, oral communication and speech communication, visual, orthopedic, autism, multiple impairments, traumatic injuries to the brain ad giftedness and talent. These are most commonly seen in the classroom. Children that are exceptional have many challenges in front of them. A gifted child can have learning and attention probl ems. There are number of these children that go through school without being diagnosed ad to having special talents or needs. These can also have problems in social emotional such as frustration this is common in a child that has not been diagnosed and their talents and learning have not gone unnoticed or partly addressed. They have a high aspiration and dont like the low expectations that someone may have for them. They want independence and struggle with knowing that they need help with learning and attention issues. They may be trying to be perfect. Low self -esteem is another challenge for a gifted child because if they dont have the support needed they can lose confidence in their abilities or they just quit because they believe they start to think that failure is unavoidable. This thinking can cause depression for the child. Social isolation is another They can feel like they dont fit in into the world or another. They may lack the social skills to be comfortable with other ch ildren in their gifted class. They may have problems relating to children in their regular class. This can cause a child to think, Where do I belong?. They often find it easier to relate to an adult than children that are their age. The truth is a child that is labeled exceptional may be a challenging enough. There are other challenges that they face such as language and communication problems, learning and being involved in daily tasks like playing games and interaction with children. Children can experience challenges in attentiveness and being able to manage their impulses. To accommodate a child that is exceptionalities the parents and the teacher need to recognize the gift or the disability that the children has. Talk to the school if you suspect a child is gifted. Request a meeting with special services coordinator. Tell them your concerns. An example is if a parent or teacher is taking care of a child with autism. You need to make sure you maintain your daily routines because routines for this child is very important. Stay in the gifted program if the child was identified as gifted but not doing well in the program. The child should be assessed for learning and attention problems before you make decisions about removing the child from the program. The childs environment can be fixed by the childs sensitivity by making sure to have books, toys, and appropriate music for the child. You can have a mentor for that child to help the child improve or build on thei r abilities and make a difference in the childs development. Making most of your childs IEP by addressing the childs weakness and to nurture their gifts. To make goals that are long term and short term. Make sure you brainstorm and be persistent. Empower the child by helping the child comprehend what their gifts are and their weaknesses are Let them know that you are there for the child in his struggles in areas. If they are frustrated give them time to figure it out and dont go straight in to help the child. Let them cope with their mixed abilities. Parents that partner with teachers can help that child develop their talents can reach their full potential. Teachers can use charts and pictures in lessons to help in the strengths of the child. Some adaptions can be changes in class work or routines because of the type of disability. Modifications can be done to like the things the child is taught, and the way the child works at school. Accommodations are such as a tape recorder and b ooks on audio. Modifications are changing the curriculum or instruction. When these are made children with disabilities is not expected to master things like others. Supporting the development and learning of each and every child requires specific knowledge of each childs strengths and challenges as well as knowledge of development, exceptionalities, and effective practice. Explain how evidence-based practice synthesizes knowledge of individual children and effective practice. Then, identify how you plan to use this process in your work with young children. The way we take care of children effectively rests in what we know of the childs exceptionalities and the evidence that we use for beneficial activities with them. Knowing the characteristics of the exception and the disabilities makes it easier to care of that child. Applying the knowledge and information that parent and teachers have in the past can be put to the present situation. Evidence-based practice can elevate a family making mistakes by following a process they studied and their values. (Darragh, 2010). This process is encouraging because it shows teachers and the parent they are not by themselves. This helps parents and families to share what their experiences are and when they do this the get extra knowledge and can save time. When I work with exceptional children, I intend on using evidence-based knowledge to see past and to see what the effective method will be for that child. These methods will help in focusing on the childs special issues that they may have. Being spe cialized in this this will help the child to grow and become improved. I will make sure before I deal with these children that I comprehend their needs, and I will research cases and will make sure I stay updated often so that I will be up to date with any new issues. I will research and find out what I need to watch out for in the childs development. I will also use the five-step evidence based decision making. I will ask the question, What my childs main needs are? Look or the best evidence such as what research and practices can give me advise on how to meet the childs main needs. Seeing the quality of the evidence is seeing that the research of the current knowledge is current for the field, and if they will benefit the child. Putting together the research with values and wisdom which is applying what you have learned that respects the child and the family in their way of supporting their child in their development and learning. I will evaluate all the steps such as the childs s trengths and challenges. (Darragh, 2010). I will help the children to make good decisions with their goals that will benefit the child. Understanding the childs unique needs and their cultural and linguistic diversity. The way we can support a child is having the knowledge and skills to understand the diverse needs of the children and their families. We should offer a welcoming, nurturing, and a classroom with respect. Effective assessment is an essential component used to lend insight into young childrens strengths and challenges. However, assessment data, particularly for young children, can be difficult to obtain. Based on pages 245-247 of the course text, explain how play-based, strength-based, and culturally and linguistically sensitive assessment address challenges associated with effective assessment for young children. Play-based assessment is a tool that shows how a childs development in interactions with the environment. (Darragh, 2010). Play opens windows to the childs strengths and the way they cope with things. It is not just social/emotional, cognitive or motor skills. Play gives important documentation on the qualities of the childs relationships. (Darragh, 2010). This is successful with the infant-toddler children. Watching children play teachers can see how a child relates to other children because children are more likely to behave normally when they play. This method is a remedy for challenges that are associated with assessments. The strength-based assessment is criticized this assessment has been great on providing information on a childs abilities. (Darragh, 2010). This information can be checked with the expectations of a normal child. This type of assessment strength is it focuses on what children can do instead of what they cannot. Culturally and linguistically is a sensitive, resp ectful and responds to the childs learning needs assessment. This is the best because it focuses on both the cultural and the linguistic aspects. At the beginning assessments were done in English and now they have Spanish language ones. When in English this made, it challenging because of a small number of assessment tools. The assessments have addressed the issues by getting appropriate tools for assessment which they are free from cultural and linguistic bias. It also takes account for the cultural information that the child accepts. The observation of the children is getting to know the child and the interaction they have with their environment and by listening and watching them it helps in your ability to make decisions on teaching and learning.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Business Level Strategy In The Market Commerce Essay

Business Level Strategy In The Market Commerce Essay Business level strategy concentrates on developing a firm specific model that will allow the firm to gain competitive advantage over its rivals in the industry such as in which it operates. Business strategy would focus on improving its competitive position of a companys or business units products within the specific industry or market segment that the company and/ or its business units serve. The question explored in business level strategy is: How a company can best be competed in the industry that they are in? For an example Honda motors, Japan has a domestic market for its products and also it operates internationally. Thus business strategy should be crafted focussing on the ways of how it out beat the domestic competitors who operates both in the domestic market and as well as the in the international market like Mazda, Mitsubishi, Daihatsu, Suzuki, Toyota and Nissan and competitors in the international market like General motors, Chrysler, Ford Motors etc. In formulating business level strategies, firm should consider how best it can compete in each of the industries it operates in. Thus business level strategies require crafting the strategy and positioning the firm in each of its business. For an example Honda should formulate a separate business strategy for its motor cycle production section that attempts to add build competitive advantage over rival, motorcycle manufacturers. And there should be another business level strategy for its auto mobile manufacturing division that addresses the ways and means of competing against rival automobile manufacturers and a separate strategy for power products (engines, portable generators, lawnmowers, outbound motors) manufacturing division that attempts to build competitive advantage over power product manufacturers in the industry. Corporate Level Strategy Corporate strategy is to a firms survival and success and it is largely about the choice of the direction for the firm as a whole. I.e. Corporate level strategy describes companys overall direction in terms of its general attitude towards growth and the management of its various business and product lines. Corporate strategy is concerned with two key questions, What business should the company be in to maximize the long term profitability of the organisation? What strategies should it use to enter into and exist from the business area? This is true whether the firm is a small, one product company or a large multi national corporation. Corporate strategy in a multinational company is all about managing various product lines and business units for maximum value. In this instance, corporate head quarters must play the role of the organisational Parent in that it must deal with various products and business unit Children. Even though each product line or business unit has its own competitive or corporative strategy that it uses to obtain its competitive advantage in the market place, the corporation must coordinate these different business strategies in order to be succeeded. For an example Honda Motors, even though there are various competitive or corporative business strategies at various business unit levels, it is the top management that decides the overall direction and goals for the entire organisation. i.e. even though there are several business segments as motor cycle manufacturing, auto mobile manufacturing and power product manufacturing and different competitive or corporative strategies adopted by each of these segments at business level, corporate level strategy for each of these segments all the same. Critically evaluate the process of reconciling dichotomies at Honda Motors with reference to the product-related core competencies versus process -related core capabilities dichotomy. Hondas underlying innovative strategic management process is described as reconciling dichotomies There can be seen number of dichotomies that encompasses management thinking and pass through all the functions and as well as aspects such as buyer supplier relations (e.g. Vertical integration and market relations), work organisation, (efficient and humane), product development processes (simultaneous and sequential development), business strategy (cost and differentiation) etc. These are concerned as paradoxes that should be solved implicitly by the west where as Hondas way of thinking is very different. A dichotomy reconciliation approach exemplifies both the philosophy behind the actual product design and the mental process of technology research. When considering about the product related core competencies in Honda, its adherence to the principle of build in quality has brings forth the competitive advantage to Honda. The build-in quality principle focuses on ensuring the effectiveness of the performance outcome of sub transformation activities. The measure of effectiveness is customer defined standards of performance that can be achieved by breaking down the total standard of performance measures as expected by the customers to number of sub activities where value adding can be realized at every stage of the process in a way that it gives a bigger accrued value by the time of operations process reaches its end. This leads to a reduction in costs and as well as exceed expectations of the customers. In that sense build in quality principle highly emphasis regarding product related capabilities which are measured by the customers eventually. The advance internal combustion engines which power the entire range of Honda products is being regarded as a core competency, which is also a successful reconciliation of dichotomies, deliver direct and immediate competitive advantage for Honda. The right-the-first principle constitute that the result of any process should be free of errors. An error occurred in a particular task necessitate re-working on it before it passed on to next stage of the production process, which may resulted in delaying the entire production process and as well as increasing the operational costs, costs of lost opportunities of sales earned from customers who prefer not to wait and switch to other brands. As such right- the- first principle adopted by Honda, will enhance its operational efficiency by not wasting time and other resources by increasing productivity. More over its introduction of Just In Time production and logistic system leads to more accurate inventory control that save cost further. It can be pointed out as a dichotomy reconciliation that permits both product variety and productive efficiency. Western flawed assumption of management thinking was that the right-first time and the build-in quality is only a dichotomy that takes places only if a substitution of getting the benefits from one at the disbursement of the other is assumed as it is viewed only from a manufacturers perspective, which has to be at least concentrated from a dual perspective, the manufacturer and the customer. If it should be considered from a multiple perspective, taking all partners in the supply chain in to account. Doing things right the first time is a cost savings approach as it helps to eliminate waste and reduce the necessity of reworking. Lower operating costs can transform into higher margins, which will be helpful in attracting customers by offering them the products at a reasonable price and it too will avoid customers from switching to rival brands. Customers not judged a product by concerning only on its quality, but its entire combination that brings forth the benefits and there fore value to them. Thus the features and attributes like delivery time and cost of purchase and ownership are too considered up on. Quality is there fore both process and product dependent. For an example the value of high product quality because of its superior features, characteristics and attributes can be ignored by slow delivery times if things are not done right the first time. Through its wide array of management strategies Honda has shown that the notice of right- first time and build- in quality is not different in nature and does not exist in isolation but are rather similar and complementary processes if the pull strategy is adopted placing customers ahead of else. Question Two: Global Mergers and Acquisitions (MA) Too much Debt and Risk of Bankruptcy Mergers and acquisitions have been the focus of corporate strategies over the last few decades, with an increasing number of mergers across the globe, especially in the automobile industry. A merger or acquisition is a combination of two companies where one corporation is completely absorbed by another corporation. The less important company loses its identity and becomes part of the more important corporation, which retains its identity. Mergers and acquisitions can occur for number of reasons. One such is to overcome too much debt or to avoid bankruptcy situations. Supplier bankruptcies make up the first wave of restructuring and the rate of bankruptcy fillings will continue to accelerate in the near term. As credit becomes more widely available and companies are able to safe and sound liquidity, there will be a wave of Mergers and acquisitions. If a particular company is undergoing enormous debts and finds it difficult to beat competition or even to survive in the industry, management may make a decision to go for a divesture. As a result company may sell out to another corporation or may go for a merger. If a company is suffering from a bankruptcy situation, perhaps it may come to a decision to move for a sell out strategy. Financially viable competitors in the same industry may interested in merging with or acquiring another corporation in the same industry even with huge debts or under a bankruptcy state if there is any potential advantage of merging or acquiring is witnessed. Some times it may be because of the companys ability to produce goods efficiently if they combined their efforts and facilities. These efficiency gains may come simply by virtue of the size of the combined company; it may be cheaper to produce goods on a large scale. Collaborating or sharing expertise may achieve gains in efficiency, or a company might have underutilize assets that the other company can better use or else because of the technology or the brand image or any other unique attribute available to the bankrupt company. Through such merger or an acquisition, the company which suffered from financial difficulties will lessen its burden as it has the ability to overcome its debts as the change in the management may make the company more profitable Potential Product Synergies Automotive mergers and acquisitions act as means of increasing market share, improving reach attaining economies of scale and augmenting product ranges. Automotive mergers are turning into a strategic option for companies looking to accelerate growth. Through mergers or acquisitions companies intended to maximize synergies through their complementary strengths in product line-up, procurement, RD, marketing and personal training which would result in cost reductions, greater global market penetration and other benefits through corporation. As a result of a merger or an acquisition a corporation would get the access to up to the minute technology, a worldwide network and advanced managerial expertise. In addition substantial cost savings have been achieved through a common purchasing strategy and by setting up a common supplier base. Common platforms will be developed to reduce time for new product introduction. Achieving of synergies is the ideal sought in corporate mergers and acquisitions. Synergy refers to an increase in the level of performance of a combined enterprise that will exceed the previous individual performance when it was operated separately. For an example managerial economies such as the increased opportunity of managerial specialisation, technical economies such as technical know how, purchasing economies due to increased order size and associated bulk buying discounts. In automobile industry there are several synergies that can be achieved through mergers and acquisitions. For an example in 1990 Honda entered in to an agreement with Rover under which Honda acquired minority shareholding in Rover in order to begin European production of Honda Accord. And also once Honda rewind its formal relationships had with Rover, BMW acquired Rover Company from its parent company with the expectation of expanding its capacity from 600,000 to 800,000 by 1999 with 150,000 of these vehicles exported. Access to New Technologies and Emerging Markets Mergers and acquisitions bring forth several technology and platform sharing agreements, enabling companies to reduce product development time and costs. Further it will be helpful in stepping in to new markets Through mergers and acquisitions corporations will be able to obtain technology economies. I.e. Mergers and acquisitions will result in enhancing the level of technology sharing and utilisation than earlier. As such in automobile industry there can be seen major acquisitions or mergers. For an example in 1979 Honda Motor company signed technical collaboration with British Leyland (Now Rover Group), covering British Leyland production of Triumph Acclaim cars in the United Kingdom. It was a step taken to enter in to the European market and also to obtain the technology of Rover Group. As mentioned earlier, mergers and acquisitions can be seen as a way of entering into strange, emerging markets. Some countries in the emerging markets such as India, China, and Thailand are growing at a spectacular rate. Thus this amazing growth rates are attracting global automotive majors to these markets in increasing numbers. Companies are resorting to acquisitions or mergers to gain foothold in these markets due to certain cultural reasons or to accommodate differences in two cultures. Question Three: Corporate Social responsibilities Competitiveness Using information from relevant literature on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and appropriate examples from global automotive makers and suppliers; explain the impact of CSR on organisational performance in both financial and non-financial areas Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has permeated management practice and theory up to a point where CSR can be referred to as the latest management fad (Guthey, Langer Morsing, 2006). However, so far CSR integration in to business processes has been very uneven. (Hockerts, 2008) CSR is also known as Corporate Citizenship, Responsible Business, Sustainable Responsible Business (SRB), or Corporate Social Performance. The concept of social responsibility proposes that a private corporation has responsibilities to society and also to the environment that extended beyond making a profit. It is a form of corporate self regulation integrated in to a business model that functions as a built-in, self-regulating mechanism whereby business would monitor and ensure its support to law, ethical standards, and international norms. Further more, CSR focused business would proactively uphold the public interest by heartening community growth and development, and voluntarily eliminating practices that harm the public sphere, regardless of legality. Essentially, CSR is the deliberate inclusion of public interest in to corporate decision making and the honouring of a triple bottom line; People, Planet, Profit. Where as People and Planet in the triple bottom line concept represents the non financial aspects that a firm should concentrates on when carrying out its business in addition to the financial aspect of making profits. The automobile industry at present faces challenges that extend beyond the framework of automotive technology, such as the prevention of global warming by committing to zero emissions as part of a concentrated effort toward issues concerning the global environment, eradication of wasted resources and environmental degradation through mass production, sales and disposal and the realization of fail safe transportation system. It is necessary for an organization, specially an automobile maker to be focused on preventing environmental destruction and damage when establishing its plants and as well as carrying out its manufacturing activities. A new evolution is required, where lean production can be implemented beyond the sphere of technological innovation to contribute to reforming distribution, logistics, recycling and as well as social systems. As such consumers expect automotive corporations to take an active role in the economic and social development of their country. Consumers across the world are very likely to accept or reject a corporation based on its reputation for social and environmental responsibility. CSR surveys indicate that consumers are more likely to purchase a product or a service from a corporation with responsible business practices and they would refrain from purchasing a product or service if the corporation failed to follow environmentally friendly or ethical business practices. Among the global automotive corporations BMW, Honda, Toyota and Volvo trucks ranked highest for corporate social responsibility. BMW rated highest in the Spain and as well as in Italy; Honda for United States, United Kingdom and Indonesia, Toyota for Japan, Korea and Thailand and Volvo trucks for Sweden and Netherlands. Remy Pothet, Global Director TNS Automotive, comments that Large corporations are increasingly aware that their social responsibility directly affects their image and brand equity and consequently, their business success. As such heavy investments in CSR can be seen in the markets where they are focusing on expansion. The result of our study highlights the publics growing interest in the field of CSR, and makes a direct link between this and their purchasing behaviour. Bonsi concludes, The general public is a very important stake holder for the automotive industry as a corporations reputation is often judged in the court of public opinion. Corporations that fail to engage society often suffer serious consequences when there is a crisis. However corporations that develop a strong public goodwill can use it as a social insurance to tide them over during difficult periods. The CSR champions identified by this study are already seeing the value in their investment; now other companies need to take notice. b) Compare and Contrast Japanese and Western strategic leadership models by reference to table 5 in the Honda case study. Explain which of the two models you prefer, and why? According to the management literature, there is a grand distinction between the western management style and Japanese management style in terms of overall description work processes, production organisation and logistic management techniques, organisation and labour relations etc. When concerning about the overall description western management model, Ford system of mass production which leads to standardisation and mass marketing is the fundamental paradigm for production systems in western countries that pays high attention on large lot , just in case production. Where as Japanese developed a different production system called Japanese production system or Just In Time (JIT), which is a flexible manufacturing system. A further development of this is also known as lean manufacturing. They adhered to the Pull strategy of marketing their products as oppose to the Push strategy of marketing adopted by the western countries. The significance of the Japanese manufacturing is it identified the ill effects of mass production with high volume of manufacturing that focuses sole attention towards economy of scale rather than cost reduction through elimination of wasted resources through streamlined production. JIT production and synchronized manufacturing that manufactured what, when, and how much was necessary and eliminated wasteful processes and stock. This was resulted in ending up of cycle of stockpiles and dissolved the rigidity of production where only existing products continued to be manufactured with existing technology. When concentrating the peculiarities between western and Japanese work processes, most of the western work processes were builds upon taylorism theory which emphasis the necessity of breaking down of every action, job or task in to small and simple segments that can be easily analyzed and taught. Accordingly western employees are deemed to be Do workers and most of them are unskilled thus they are expected to be performed in a way they thought, and merely the jobs or tasks assigned to them. But Japanese employees are deemed to be Think workers where they are expected to be innovative, polyvalent and flexible rather than merely executing an assigned job or a task. As such Japanese management model is more appropriate and suitable to todays complex business context due to above mentioned grounds. Conclusion First and fore mostly the report discussed about the business level strategy and the corporate level strategy in the global business context. It was compared and contrasted the business level strategies and the corporate strategies in the global automobile industry. Then it evaluated the process of reconciling dichotomies at Honda Motors with reference to the product-related core competencies versus process -related core capabilities dichotomy. Secondly it evaluated critically the impact of certain factors such as too much debt and risk of bankruptcy, potential product synergies, access to new technologies and emerging markets on Mergers and Acquisitions (MA) in the global automobile industry, using appropriate illustrations from the global automotive industry. In current business context Corporate Social Responsibility bears an important place. As such latter part of this report focuses on the corporate social responsibility and the competitiveness, using information from relevant literature on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and appropriate examples from global automotive makers and suppliers. Further it discussed the impact of CSR on organisational performance in both financial and non-financial areas. Finally it was compared and contrasted the Japanese and Western strategic leadership models and suggested the Japanese strategic leadership model as the most appropriate model owing to the unique features and strengths identified in it with compared to Western strategic leadership model.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Dulce et Decorum Est An Emotional Appeal :: essays papers

Dulce et Decorum Est An Emotional Appeal War brings with it countless tragedies. Many of these tragedies only a veteran could fully understand. All too often the ugliness of war is glorified, and even worse, glamorized. In the poem Dulce et Decorum Est, by Wilfred Owen, the glorification of war is sarcastically refuted. Owen’s anger is eminent, as he graphically describes war in terms only a veteran or embattled soldier could comprehend. Dulce et Decorum Est, means â€Å"It is sweet and becoming to die for one’s country†(Arp 566). The title is used satirically, which the speaker defines within the very first phrase in the poem: â€Å"Bent double, like old beggars under sacks†(565). The speaker continues the description of the once young and healthy boys: â€Å"Knock-kneed, coughing like hags, we cursed through sludge, /Till on the haunting flares we turned our backs†(565), if the war enthusiast was not yet feeling guilty—now would be the time. The emotion that illuminates from these statements is powerful and intense. It is now clear, that one who has lived through war, could not possibly glorify it. The speaker vividly describes the hell soldiers endure while desperately trying to stay alive. Exhausted, injured, and â€Å"Drunk with fatigue†(566), the men go on—terrified, yet brave, the men go on. These men are not just a bunch of nameless men going to battle, the y have names, and families, and beating hearts. The author of Perrine’s Literature: Structure, Sound and Sense, Thomas R. Arp, asks the reader to â€Å"List the elements of the poem that seem no beautiful and therefore ‘unpoetic.’ Are there any elements of beauty in the poem?†(566). Although this is an extremely dark poem, and reveals some very ugly realities, I find it beautiful. It may not be about flowers, and the sun, and the gleaming ocean, but it is beautifully expressed—the way it ought to be. It encourages thinking and feeling, while removing ignorance. The intensity grows as the length of the poem grows. First, the speaker told of the men, and how they trudged towards distant rest (566). Now, further in the poem he singles out a single man. He also mentions himself as he explains â€Å"I saw him drowning†. He is referring to the one man who could not get his gas mask on in time to prevent death. During this passage, I could not help but to visualize the one young man who was left â€Å"flound’ring†, and maintaining dry eyes became near impossible.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Sonnys Blues :: essays research papers

Brothers tend to grow apart yet eventually find a way to revive an old beat up relationship. These brothers grew up on the rough streets of Harlem and went their separate ways. Sonny was a drug-addicted musician and his older brother was a high school algebra teacher with a family. The way the two brothers reunite through addiction, memories and strife make their bond seem stronger than ever. Sonny’s Blues, by James Baldwin, is a story about enlightenment through brotherhood when Sonny and his brother go to the club. Sonny’s brother saw the newspaper while he was on his way to work and realized that his little brother was in trouble because of drugs. The beginning of the enlightenment started when Sonny’s brother ran into the man who got Sonny started on heroin, or how they call it â€Å"horse.† â€Å"A great block of ice got settled in my belly and kept melting there slowly all day long, while I taught my classes algebra. It was a special kind of ice. It kept melting. Sending trickles of ice water all up and down my veins but it never got less. Sometimes it hardened and seemed to expand until I felt my guts were going to come spilling out or that I was going to choke or scream. This would always be at the moment when I was remembering some specific thing Sonny had once said or done.† The fact that Sonny’s brother wanted to have nothing to do with helping Sonny made it seem that he did not care that his brother was killing himself but deep down he knew that I wa s killing him too. Sonny’s brother felt like he had to help Sonny but he should not because his brother got himself into the drug scene. Sonny’s brother and him finally decided to reconcile when Gracie, Sonny’s niece, passed away at a young age. The brothers wrote back and forth and one thing became clear to Sonny’s brother, music affected him. Sonny’s brother always saw the music/jazz scene as an unhealthy lifestyle full of drugs and scandal. The only thing Sonny would really reinforce was that it was not because of the music. Sonny came back to New York after rehab from heroin and came to see the old neighborhood in Harlem. The brothers see that they have so much to be thankful for and that they will always have each other.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

How to Be a Smart Consumer and Save Your Money Essay

Are you a smart consumer? If the answer is no, let’s turn over to a new leaf. In this borderless world, being a smart consumer is like chocolate chips in our cookies of life. Thus, it is essential for us to spend wisely and save our budget. There are abundant of consumers nowadays love to spend a lot of money on products that do not suffice their budget as well as they are unnecessary. We heard this too many times already. However, how many of us really think deeply and wonder if everything we buy is worth our money? We admit that shopping is fun but sometimes reality really stuck us hard. Question such as do I really need it, is the price right or even such low prices may just make us wonder why it is so! Besides, it is weighty to be a smart consumer as the number of traders, who are trying to cheat us are increasing from day to day. By the way, there are countless ways to be such a smart consumer in order to avoid from being their victims particularly from the profit hungry traders. First and foremost, do you remember those times that you buy items that have a huge discount without even thinking if you need them? To be frank, it is believed that everyone had gone to such situation before. However, we have to keep in mind that in order to save money and be a smart consumer, try to keep to buying necessity items only. Buying too much or things that we do not need is not saving money. Try making a list of items you plan to buy in advance before going for shopping. With this method, you will able to buy everything you need and reduce on buying things you do not need. Apart from that, this is very influential step especially when you are buying clothes. Don’t get fully attracted to the huge discount tags but try paying a little attention to the quality. Somebody used to buy clothes during those insane sales happening in town. They wouldn’t bother those small dots or stains on the clothes as they thought that they will go off after washed. The sad fact is that they didn’t and they were mad at themselves. The moral of the story is, don’t get fooled by those discount tags and always check the quality. It is better spending like a couple of minutes checking the quality rather than going back and regret on it. As the Chinese saying goes, a smart action lead us to a smart lifestyle. Like a case that was experienced by a lady, she tends to go shopping weekly t the local supermarket or wholesalers. One of the items she must buy is milk. There are always those promotional tags saying certain milk products are on discount. One day, it really surprised her that the expiry date was just few days ahead! Yes, the sellers are clearly manipulating using business tactics but are they wrong? No! I am not pointing that the consumers are wrong either. We have to be careful when it comes to such things. For example, dairy products can’t be kept long. Therefore, always check the expiry date regardless of how cheap the items are. The same goes over when buying canned foods and drinks. Avoid buying canned products which are dented as they will become slightly poisonous. Ensure the cans are in good shape before buying to ensure you get the best product. It is substantial for us to compare prices of those wholesalers. You can go to different places to shop. Every time you go to a new place, you need try to compare the prices. As the Australian saying goes, small amount of money you save can lead to a bigger saving. Always remember that discount tags outside are just business tactics. If you can get the same items for less, isn’t that a much bigger saving? The price might be cheap but we must be able to think and consider if it is worth it. Do you see those sales promoters trying to promote something? It is a norm that they will tell you that particular product is good, energy saving or even cheaper. Try asking a few more questions before buying it. Check if it is really a good choice or so. Indeed, simply by asking, we are getting more information and we might even be able to consider if the product is worth for our money. Last but not least, membership for local stores and even frequent visitor card is good as it is an excellent choice to save up more money. One of the best examples I personally encountered was last month where I was shopping for the accessory products. The price was already discounted and when I was at the payment counter, I was shocked and surprised as the cashier told me if I am a member, I will get another discount of 20 percent! The moral of the story is simple and straight forward. We are able to save up tons of money and even shop smarter if we know how to utilize the membership card and benefits. At the same time, membership cards will enable you to collect points and eventually, we are able to redeem items and cash vouchers when we shop. In a nutshell, there is innumerable way for us to be a smart consumer. We need to be together working closely arm in arm and advising each other for being concerned and smart consumers. As the Malay saying goes, many hands make work better. Do not worry as it is assuring you these are simple steps and it will not take you more than one or two minutes to get it done. Hooray! More time to shop! Exclusively prepared by, Nik Aisyah Amalien bt Nik Mohd Asri SMKA Naim Lilbanat.. Class of sirrosdi Question : Write your story beginning with † My heart beat frantically as I made my way to the principal’s office â€Å" My heart beat frantically as I made my way to the principal’s office . My mind could not figure out what would be the possible consequences and punishment from the principal. â€Å"I am guilty and there is no way the principal can forgive me†. I told myself. I felt like I was going to be given a very stern punishment. Then I tried to figure out why I was in this mess. It story started when my mom gave birth to a new baby boy in our family . I was in cloud nine that day as my father told me that I have a new brother . † Wohoo ! † I shouted. I put the phone back to its original place after Ispoke to my dad. I was not really myself that day . I shook hands with all the students in my classroom. I could see they were starring at me with strange faces. Most of my classmates were baffled initially until I told them about this new brother. Then slowly one by one stood up and congratulated me. So I told them I would persuade my dad to throw a small party over the weekend to celebrate this occasion. Everyone was looking forward to this occasion. In my classroom,I was commonly known as a quiet and shy boy. I didn’t talk too much unless someone asked me to. But today, after that good news,I completely change myself. I was just like a character of a â€Å"wood-pecker† as I made a lot of annoying noises in the class . Kring ! Kring !. The bell rang and it was time to go home. I quickly packed all my stuff into my school bag and ran towards the main gate with a fantastic speed . I could not wait to get home to meet my newborn brother . After five minutes,I felt bored. I walked around the school compund . While walking, I could see something that caught my eyes. I picked up five bottles of wood-sprayer in various colour which are commonly used by PMR students for their Life Skill†s carpenting projects. Then,I ran to a new building at a compound nearby. The building was almost completed and most of the classrooms were already used. There was another one room left and the school management wasn’t sure of what should be done to that empty room . Without hesitation, Spurshhhhhhh †¦ ! I started spraying at the main door. It reads,â€Å" Welcome to the world of Arts â€Å"with a combination of two vivid colours in graffity style. It looked catchy as the backround of the door was lily-white . After I had sprayed the main door , then I started to spray the room’s wall. It reads, â€Å"This place is only for talented ones†. The colour matched the wall and it was done beautifully. Out of the blue,I heard some clear footsteps. I could guess that footsteps must be owned by a big size person. My hair stood up and I could feel my heart’s drumbeat. The happiness and excitement that I had just now vanished in no time. The steps were coming closer. I slowly sneaked out to identify who was the owner of the footsteps. . Oh gosh! All I could see was a grumpy tall man cladded with black suit. It was my principal! I tried to find a way out but it was useless. I boosted my mind as the footsteps became nearer. Aha! then an idea struck my mind. When the door opened, I dashed out. He grabbed my school shirt to stop me from running away and I quickly closed his eyes with my palms wishing that he couldn’t see me. I was really panicked and my body was trembling. Without hesitation, I pushed him strongly and he fell down. I ran as fast as a lightning and luckily my dad was in the car waiting for me. I then realized my name tag fell somewhere. No more thinking,I jumped into dad’s car. The next day I went to school as usual and pretended nothing had appenend. Like the usual shy boy that do not talk or entertain to anyone unless someone wanted to say hello, I sat at my place besides Mahaddi,my close friend. I quickly grabbed the assignment on English literature given by Sir Rosdi. I knew that Sir Rosdi was watching me very closely and he suspected that I had a problem to settle. My heart beat faster when my name was called out through the paging system. â€Å" Attention to Fahmi Azan from 5 Amanah, please report immediately to the principal’s room right now! † That was the hoarse voice that I heard before. My blood started to flow faster and I could feel the andrenaline flowing.. All the eyes were straight on me including Sir Rosdi. They were wandering why the principal was making the announcement himself. .I quickly walked to the principal’s office . As I arrived there I knocked the door politely. â€Å"Come in! † . Gulp ! Only God knows how I felt right now. I slowly opened the door and entered the room. The room was so cool as cool as my body. â€Å"Please have a sit†. My principal quipped. After being interoggated for almost half an hour,I felt so calm. I listened attentively and nodded. He told me that he was attracted to my arts and proposed the room that I sprayed being made â€Å"The school art’s room. †What a surprise! I smiled and thanked him. He also proposed an Art’s club and appointed me as the president of the club. I hugged him tightly. He was so shocked but happy with my reactions. I shook his hands and thanked him for his kindness. I never expect this dramatic event took a 360 degree turn. It wasn’t a mess as I thought initially†¦.. Most people would define a good teacher as someone who makes their students excel academically and do well on their tests. I believe that’s almost right, but a little off. I believe that a good teacher doesn’t have one dimension but two. They not only make you excel, but they make you want to go to school. They care about the student’s insecurities and problems, and most importantly they are there to support you. My teacher is like that. Her name is Ms. Young and she’s changed the way I see the world. She isn’t one of those teachers that will give it their all just to be liked by the students. She honestly doesn’t fit in a category of teachers. Although it’s her first year teaching at High Tech Middle she fit in immediately. Normally the project based learning philosophy is hard for new teachers to adapt to, but Ms. Young did it effortlessly. After nine years of switching from town to town, school to school, and teacher to teacher, Ms. Young is by far the best teacher I’ve ever had. She keeps the class in order, yet manages to make it fun at the same time. She’s always there for academic as well as personal help. Honestly for the first time I don’t want to pass the grade. Ms. Young has taught me a lot over the past school year. I’m not only speaking of history, writing, and reading. She has taught me to appreciate the little things, never judge, and be happy about the work I create. I have grown more in this year than any other, and I owe it almost completely to Ms. Young. I used to think I was a good writer. Looking back on my work from just last year, I realize how much stronger my writing skills and vocabulary are. Ms. Young has done a superb job preparing me for high school, for which I am very grateful. I feel that I have developed my writing skills most this year than any other year. Throughout the year Ms. Young has become my role model. I’ve had many people tell me that when they grow up they want to be like her. I believe that becoming half of the teacher she is would be an incredible achievement. I wrote this essay because I believe that she should be recognized. Not only because of her incredible teaching abilities, but because she made a difference in my life. She showed me that hard work pays off, and that I should never give up. These lessons will continue to have an effect on my life throughout high school and college. Thank you Ms. Young. They impart knowledge and skills to our faculty of intelligence. And yet some of us don’t know how to show appreciation to them. It’s indeed that one cannot put a price tag on education, and so does teaching. If there is a category of people who knows how to shape, and furnish young children with useful information without showing any sign of fatigue, and unwillingness; surely teachers belong to that category because of the fact that they know how to push us students, and direct us through the lightning path of success. It is true that they earn a monthly salary for â€Å"teaching;† but I think they deserve more than just a salary. A little bit of appreciation could vitalize them, and encourage them to help us more. I am certainly not a teacher and neither are many other young children, but it is understandable to know how much they work to direct us, and making sure that we students learn the skills that we need to go out in the challenging world. Their job is one of the toughest to take on, and they still manage to do it happily without any apparent dissatisfaction. Most of us know how difficult it is to get an acceptance to college, and for many of us a descent job might be the ultimate target. Teachers are the ones who always make sure that, us students we are organized, prepared, equipped, and ready to strive through our targeted path; and many of them certainly make sure that we are properly expectant of the obstacles that lie on the journey ahead, and with that perception they help us cultivate tactics, and strategies to resist those obstacles. These are some words that I chose on behalf of many students around the world, in order to acknowledge your hard work, dedication, and everything that you [teachers] teach us from academic to real life lessons. Your hard work makes a grandiose impact on our lives as students, and for that I, and many other students would like to express our gratitude in between these quotations; â€Å"Us student, we could not have left this day passed without wishing you a joyous Teachers’ appreciation week. We certainly think that everyday should be a day to celebrate teachers’ hard work. It’s indisputable how hard you [teachers] work to deliver the materials to us, and on top of that you still strive to help us during your free time. How much of a price can one put on that quality? None of us thinks that quality worth a financial value. †

Monday, September 16, 2019

Understand How to Safeguard the Well Being of Children and Young People

Question 1: Why is it important to safeguard children and young people? Without providing the service of safeguarding for children and young people who are not developed enough to do it for themselves, their future could be negatively affected. If they were to be affected by an event such as abuse, and there is no safeguarding in place, this could carry on and seriously affect their physical and emotional development. This could mean they fall behind with developmental milestones. Children need to be provided with a safe and happy environment to grow up in so they are happy to develop at a normal rate and sequence. This will help them achieve their full potential, through into adulthood. Question 2: Explain why a person-centred approach is important in safeguarding the well-being of children or young people. It is important to centre the safeguarding approach around the child or young person, as their wishes and concerns need to be taken into account to achieve the best possible outcome for them. It is important to have a good relationship with the child so the child will feel comfortable disclosing information and conveying their feelings and points of views. Having this will mean the organisation can respond in the most accurate and appropriate way. The child can then be involved in any future decisions. The organisation and carers should be there to support and explain everything to the child to try to comfort them so the situation is not so daunting and the child can explain clearly what they want for their future.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

How NJHS Benefits Your School Essay

I see National Junior Honor Society as great opportunity to hone my leadership skills, earn scholarships, learn and apply new character qualities to my personal life as well in my school life, and as a stepping stone to getting more involved in community service. But along with that, I see it not only as an incredibly beneficial opportunity as a student, but also feel that I would be able to apply the same qualities learned, later in life. Working alongside other students who have the same desire for all the qualities that NJHS stands for would be a privileged experience and to find myself as a candidate of the NJHS would be an honor that I’m certain will have a big impact on my future. To the NJHS, I will be contributing my competence/capability as a runner and my eagerness for assisting those in need. I’ve always wanted to contribute more to my community, and believe that NJHS will provide an excellent opportunity to get more involved in such activities. Along with accomplishing a GPA score of 3.5 or higher, I have also begun running as a member of one of my school’s many clubs. Running has helped me, specifically, in the area of self-confidence and has also helped me to take on a more active leadership position in encouraging others to reach for higher goals themselves. Added to that, as an older sibling in a large family, I’ve also come to realize, over the years, that patience and the tenacity to persist are paramount and valuable qualities in a good leader and has led to me successfully prioritizing my responsibilities and has, on numerous occasions, helped me to do my best in everything. i see national junior honor society as great opportunity to hone my leadership skills earn scholarships learn and apply new character qualities to my personal life as well in my school life and as a stepping stone to getting more involved in community service. but along with that i see it not only as an incredibly beneficial opportunity as a student but also feel that i would be able to apply the same qualities learned later in life. working alongside other students who have the same desire for all the qualities that njhs stands for would be a privileged experience and to find myself as a candidate of the njhs would be an honor that im certain will have a big impact on my future. to the njhs i will be contributing my competence/capability as a runner and my eagerness for assisting those in need. ive always wanted to contribute more to my community and believe that njhs will provide an excellent opportunity to get more involved in such activities. along with accomplishing a gpa score of 3.5 or higher i have also begun running as a member of one of my schools many clubs. running has helped me specifically in the area of self-confidence and has also helped me to take on a more active leadership position in encouraging others to reach for higher goals themselves. added to that as an older sibling in a large family ive also come to realize over the years that patience and the tenacity to persist are paramount and valuable qualities in a good leader and has led to me successfully prioritizing my responsibilities and has on numerous occasions helped me to do my best in everything. for the last several years ive regularly participated in playing the piano at nursing homes cleaning out junk and debris from elderly peoples backyards babysat for friends etc. i enjoy helping out and feel that specifically the leadership gained from njhs would provide me with a more efficient way of serving the community. im certain that being a member of njhs will continually challenge me to improve and upgrade my personal standards whether it is my talents or knowledge in education. i also believe that being selected as a candidate for njhs would encourage me to continue to strive for academic excellence. the standards for ingress into the njhs are scholarship character leadership and service and i believe that i am fully capable enough to be chosen as a representative into this organization. all the way though this year as a haas hall scholar i consider myself as having displayed/bespoken all four of these hallmark qualities. For the last several years, I’ve regularly participated in playing the piano at nursing homes, cleaning out junk and debris from elderly people’s backyards, babysat for friends, etc. I enjoy helping out and feel that, specifically, the leadership gained from NJHS would provide me with a more efficient way of serving the community. I’m certain that being a member of NJHS will continually challenge me to improve and upgrade my personal standards, whether it is my talents or knowledge in education. I also believe that being selected as a candidate for NJHS would encourage me to continue to strive for academic excellence. The standards for ingress into the NJHS are scholarship, character, leadership, and service, and I believe that I am fully capable enough to be chosen as a representative into this organization. All the way though this year, as a Haas Hall scholar, I consider myself as having displayed/bespoken all four of these hallmark qualities.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Consumer Behaviour – Concept Used by Marketers

An award is something given to a person or a group of people to recognise excellence in a certain field, a certificate of excellence. Awards are often signified by trophies, titles, certificates, commemorative plaques, medals, badges, pins, or ribbons. Each person on this earth yearns for appreciation, recognition and affirmation. Some hanker for the recognition from their loved ones, some want to be recognised by their boss, organisation want to be recognised by consumers, some aim at appreciation from the masses or their peers in general and usually, organisations aim for affirmation (For example, ISO or Cast Trust awards). Marketers in this case had used the consumer-driven approach, consumer wants are the drivers of all strategic marketing decisions. Every aspect of a market offering, including the nature of the product itself, is driven by the needs of potential consumers. Concept There are some types of relationships a person may have with a product. Trophies, medals and awards have given the consumers relationships of self-concept attachment, nostalgic attachment and love. They help to establish the user’s identity, serve as a link with a self past and elicit emotional bonds of warmth, passion or other strong emotion. Our perception is an approximation of reality. Our brain attempts to make sense out of the stimuli to which we are exposed. Several sequential factors influence our perception. Trophies, medals and awards have given consumers the perception of vision and touch. Vision Marketers reply heavily on visual elements in advertising, store design, and packaging. They communicate meanings on the visual channel through a product’s colour, size and styling. Colours may even influence our emotions more directly. Evidence suggests that some colours create feelings of arousal and stimulate appetite, and others create more relaxing feelings. Others reactions are a result of biological and culture differences. We know that perceptions of colour depend on both its physical wavelength and how the mind responds to that stimulus. Touch This sensory channel is relatively important even though scientists have done little research on the effects of tactile stilulation on consumer behaviour. Sensation that reach our skin, whether from a luxurious massage or the bite of a winter wind, stimulate or relax. Researchers even have shown that touch can influence sales interactions, they are starting to identify the important role the haptic (touch) sense plays in consumer behaviour. Haptic senses appear to moderate the relationship between product experience and judgement confidence, confirming the common sense notion that we are more sure about what we have preceive when we touch it. Motivation Motivation refers to the process that lead people to behave as they do. It occurs when a need is aroused that the consumer wishes to satisfy. The need creates a state of tension that drives the consumer to attempt to reduce or eliminate. The desired end state is the consumers’s goal. Marketers try to create products and services that will provide the desired benefits and permit the consumer to reduce this tention. When trophies, medals or awards are given to people or organization, it acts as a form of appreciation, recognition and affirmation. It becomes a very strong motivating factor to do more and be better. On the other hand, the absence of timely appreciation acts as a powerful de-motivator, and sometimes even pushes people to destructive behavior. The use of awards trophies and awards plaques can be used as an exceptionally potent way to express appreciation, recognition and affirmation at all levels, at home, at the work place and even globally. Values Researchers had identified four dominant of values, freedom, belongingness, excellence and connection. Classifying Consumer Needs Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is one of the consumer needs theory. People need to engage themselves to gain recognition and have an activity or activities that give the person a sense of contribution, to feel accepted and self-valued, be it in a profession or hobby. Maslow's concept of self-actualisation relates directly to the present day challenges and opportunities for people, employers and organisations to provide real meaning, purpose and true personal development. Self-Concept The self-concept is composed of relatively permanent self-assessments, such as personality attributes, knowledge of one's skills and abilities, one's occupation and hobbies, and awareness of one's physical attributes. The self-concept is not restricted to the present. It includes past selves and future selves. Future selves or â€Å"possible selves† represent individuals' ideas of what they might become, what they would like to become, and what they are afraid of becoming. They correspond to hopes, fears, standards, goals, and threats. Possible selves may function as incentives for future behavior and they also provide an evaluative and interpretive context for the current view of self. Self-Esteem Self-esteem reflects a person's overall evaluation or appraisal of his or her own worth. People with high self-esteem expect that they will perform very well and people with low self-esteem will try to avoid embarrassment, failure or rejection. Marketers communication can influence a consumer’s self-esteem. A process of social comparison, where the person tries to evaluate himself/herself by comparing it to the person these artificial images depict. Examples The Academy Awards, popularly known as the Oscars, are presented annually by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) to recognise excellence of professionals in the film industry, including directors, actors, and writers. The formal ceremony at which the awards are presented is one of the most prominent film award ceremonies in the world. Generally, it has been seen that the award of such trophies can be powerful motivators for all people. This is basically because most people crave appreciation, recognition and affirmation for their efforts, whether they work at home or in an office. These awards need not be expensive or grand, as long as they are tailor made for the recipient. 1248 words References http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Trophy http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Medal https://www. amazines. com/article_detail. cfm/725101? articleid=725101 http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Consumer_behaviour http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/International_Organization_for_Standardization http://www. consumerpsychologist. com/cb_Perception. html http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Self-concept http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Academy_Awards Michael R. Solomon,_ Consumer Behaviour_, 8e Pearson Education, Inc.